Интересные места беларуси на английском языке. Belarus, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом. Топик. Брест и Брестская область

The most captivating places of interest in Belarus include surprising and family manors, magnificent , unique nooks of pristine , ancient engineering constructions, interesting museums and , birthplaces of famous painters, writers, and scientists…

You can learn about the key places of interest of all the , can get familiar with interesting facts and figures, can study the intriguing history and compile your own travel for the hospitable country in the center of Europe .

Brest Oblast

The south-western region of Belarus called "the country’s first bastion" is famous for its unique historical sites and natural monuments . These monuments include the legendary , the heroic history of which is well known all over the world, the oldest European forest with majestic aurochs , the points of the that is the largest geodetic instrument on the planet and is included in the , the 13th-century wooden town discovered by archaeologists, and the gorgeous palaces in and . gave birth to the national hero of three countries . The Dostoyevskys" family estate also used to be situated here.

The Republic of Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe. It borders on Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, the Ukraine, Russia and Poland. Its present population is about 12 million people.

Belarus is a land of vast plains and picturesque hills, thick forests and green meadows, deep blue lakes and flowing rivers. Forests cover 2/5 of Belarus, they are scattered all over the country.

There are a lot of rivers and lakes are in our country. The Dnieper, Pripyat, Beresins, Sozh, Zapadnaya Dvina, Neman are the biggest rivers with more then 500 kilometers in length.

The largest lake in Belarus is lake Naroch which stretches 13 kilometers from West to East. It is very popular recreation aria in our country.

To most of the world Belarus is relatively known, a new country in the central Europe. To its people it"s an ancient land. The history of Belarus goes back to ancient times beginning with the Polotsk Principality in the 10th century. From the 13th century till the 16th century the territory of present-day Belarus was the core of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in which Belarussian was the official language.

The 16th century is considered to be the Golden Age of Belarussion history. In this period there was a wide growth of old and the foundation of many new cities and towns. There occurred significant processes in culture and economy of Belarussian people.

As Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe many wars took place in its territory. One of the greatest wars was in 1812 when the emperor Napoleon attacked Russia. And Belarussian lands became the arena, of military actions. A great number of Belarussians took part in this war against Napoleon.

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is one of the most heroic and tragic periods in the history of the century. For three years the territory of Belarus was occupied by the Nazi. The country lost more than 3 million people (every third citizen felt in the fight against fascism), many towns and villages were ruined.

Today Belarus is a developed industrial state. Industry makes up 70% of the Gross National Product. The main industries are engineering, chemical industry, wood-working industry, light and food industries. The major industrial centres in Belarus are Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Soligorsk, Zhodino, Brest and others.

Belarussian goods are exported to many countries and known, all over the world. Agriculture of Belarus specializes in milk and meet production, flax, vegetables (especially potatoes) and-fruit (especially apples).

The Republic of Belarus has well-developed science and educational system. The Academy of Sciences found in 1929 is one of the largest centres of science in our country. Its research-institutes work on various important problems in such fields as mathematics, optics, genetics, biology, etc. The demand for higher education remains high. State institutions are the centres both for education and scientific research. Nowadays in Belarus there are 43 universities, academies and institutes which provide training in various spheres of science and humanities.

The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus (the State Art Gallery from 1939 till 1957, the State Art Museum from 1957 till 1993) - the largest collection of the Belarusian and foreign art within the country - is located in the centre of Minsk, at Lenin Street, 20. More than thirty thousand works of art - creating twenty miscellaneous collections and comprising two main representative ones: the one of national art and the other of monuments of art of the countries and nations of the world - can be found on exposition, at the branches of the Museum and its depositories.

The works of art, taken from the departments of fine arts of the historical museums of Minsk, Vitebsk, Mogilev and Gomel, became the foundation of the Gallery’s pictorial collection. A range of art works from their own funds and stocks were presented by the State Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum as well as by the Museum of Fine Arts named after Alexander Pushkin and the State Hermitage Museum. The art works of well-known Russian painters and artists of the Soviet epoch were included into the collection of the new gallery as well.

The National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus is one of the country’s most popular museums. Its holdings house the biggest museum collection in Belarus numbering about 400,000 items. Also, the National Historical Museum structure includes 5 branches: the Museum of Belarusian Cinema History, the Museum of Contemporary Belarusian Statehood, the House Museum of First Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, the Museum of Theatre and Musical Culture History of the Republic of Belarus, and the Museum of Nature and Environment of the Republic of Belarus.

Throughout its history, the National Historical Museum has changed its name repeatedly. It opened in 1919 as the Minsk Regional Museum. From 1923 till 1930 the Museum was called the Belarusian State Museum and was the central museum institution of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1930, it was renamed as the Minsk Social and Historical Museum. From 1941 till 1944, it was called the Minsk Historical Museum. In 1957, the institution was restored under the name of the Byelorussian State Museum of History and Regional Studies and, in 1964, it was named the State Museum of the BSSR. In 1992, after Belarus declared independence, the Museum was renamed once again into the National Museum of History and Culture of Belarus. In 2009, the institution received its actual name.

The Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War was the world’s first museum to tell the story of the bloodiest war of the 20th century, and the only one in Belarus created during the years of Nazi occupation.

Today it is one of the most important and biggest war museums in the world, along with the well-stocked museums in Moscow, Kiev, and New Orleans.

…In those terrible years Belarus lost every third resident. More than 3 million people died, including about 50,000 partisans and underground fighters. Throughout the country there were 250 death camps, including the infamous Trostenets, one of the largest after Auschwitz, Majdanek and Treblinka...

The Dudutki Museum is located 40 kilometers from the city of Minsk, in the Pukhovichi District, located in a picturesque place near the Ptich River, one and a half kilometers from the village of Dudichi.

Dudutki first mentioned in the annals in the XI century. Presumably in these places there was a land road leading to Polotsk, according to which, according to the researchers and according to the "Lay of Igor"s Campaign," the prince of Polotsk Vseslav the Sorceress galloped "wolf to Nemiga with Dudutok after learning about the siege of ancient Minsk ..."

Since October 1994, on the basis of the subsidiary farm "Polyfact", the Museum complex of ancient folk crafts and technologies "Dudutki" is being created and receives its first guests. Since 1998 the museum complex "Dudutki" is a part of the holding of "Trustbank", gradually updating and developing its base, which allows us to popularize not only the Belarusian folk crafts, but also the life of the Szlachie manor. Going to "Dudutki", you should be ready for a historical journey ... these days.

The Historical and Cultural Complex "Stalin"s line" is situated in 35 km from Minsk or 45 km from Minsk city center and in 6 km from the ancient town Zaslavl. "Stalin"s line" is an open air museum.

The Historical and Cultural Complex "Stalin"s line" was founded to the sixty years anniversary of the Victory of Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. It is the memorial of the year 1941 and the museum of the first days of the Great Patriotic War. The basis of the exposition is original pillboxes and park of military equipment of different years from the period of WWII and to the beginning of 90th. It is the most complete exposition in Belarus.

"Stalin"s line" is the chain of defensive installations. It is consisted of twenty three fortified regions including more than four thousand permanent weapon emplacements (pillboxes). It was a strong reinforced unit that spread to 1200 kilometers. There were some other fortified regions in Belarus. Those fortified regions formed a united defense line. Minsk"s fortified region No 63, which was 140 kilometers long included 327 pillboxes. In June 1941 at the lines of the Minsk"s fortified region started fierce fights with the offensive units of the fascist army.

Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Lifestyle

Belarusian State Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Lifestyle is an open-air museum or in other words a skansen museum. This term presupposes collecting relics of the past that are of historical and cultural value and exhibiting them out-of-doors in natural surroundings. Regional and local peculiarities gathered together in one place are demonstrating traditional folk culture of our country. Belarusian skansen has an ethnographic profile and is an object of republican importance. Landscape is a vital element in creating an exposition zone in the open-air museum.

Belarusian skansen is rather young in comparison with other museums of such kind. The idea of creating an open-air museum of folk architecture and rural lifestyle in our country first arose in 1908. It came up to a well-known Belarusian artist Ferdynand Ruszczyc but World War I and World War II made it impossible to get the idea off the ground.

Marc Chagall’s Museum

Vitebsk, the hometown of Marc Chagall, was an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the artist during his whole life. Domes of churches and old streets, miniature houses and shops with signboards, strips of wooden fences, horse-cab drivers in the streets are perpetuated in the artist’s canvases together with the famous angels and lovers in the sky...

Scientists, historians, art critics and, of course, artists from all over the world come to Vitebsk to get the feel of the city and see where one of the brightest representatives of the 20th-century avant-garde the lived and worked…

The Marc Chagall Art Center was opened in the 19th century building, depicted in his world-renown painting Above the City, in 1992. The works presented to the museum by friends from the Group of Assistance to the Chagall House-Museum in Vitebsk (Nienburg, Germany) became the first exhibits in the collection.

The museum houses the richest collection of the artist’s graphic works, including lithographs, xylographs as well as three colored aquatints donated to the museum by the artist’s daughter Ida Chagall in 1994, and 96 calligraphic etchings, representing a cycle of book illustrations, that were donated by the artist’s granddaughters Meret and Bella.

The main draw of the collection is Marc Chagall’s wonderful book illustrations. Among them is a series of sketches to Nikolai Gogol’s novel Dead Souls (1923-1925), a series of colored lithographs named The Bible (1956 and 1960) and 12 Tribes of Israel (1960)…

Brest Hero-Fortress

n September, 25 1971 the memorial complex «Brest Fortress» was opened. More than 600 veterans of the Brest garrison 1941 were present.

There are the ruins of the old fortress, the battlefields, the monumental sculptures presented in a unified architectural and artistic ensemble of the memorial, that perpetuated the «true story of the legendary heroes of the Brest fortress».

Gomel Palace & Park Ensemble

Gomel Palace & Park Ensemble is an old large noble estate decorated by the park and located on the picturesque bank of the Sozh River in the south of Belarus in Gomel City. This is one of the historical-cultural values of the Republic of Belarus, and it is included into the State List of the Historical Cultural Values protected by the State. There is a house-estate of the Khaletskis (an architectural monument of the mid-19th century) in 15 kms from Gomel (in Khalch Village of Vetkovski District of Gomel Region); it is one of the sites of the Gomel Palace & Park Ensemble, too. The Gomel Palace & Park Ensemble has been a state museum for 90 years; it has numerous collections, which are interesting both to amateurs and professionals. The museum halls regularly host art and history exhibitions, and exhibitions devoted to nature and various human activities. It is a place to organize events: concerts, conferences, official meetings of the country leaders.

The Palace & Park Ensemble includes:

  • the Palace of the Rumyantsevs and the Paskeviches (an architectural monument in the Russian classicism style built in the late 18th - mid-19th century);
  • the Chapel (an architectural monument in the New Russian Style built in the late 19th century),
  • the Burial Vault (an underground coffin chamber for the Paskevich Princes),
  • the Winter Garden, the Observation Tower and the Administrative Building (architectural monuments erected in the 19th century),
  • the Park (a monument of nature and of garden art planted in the mid-19th century).

In the central square of the city of Grodno, next to the cathedral church of St. Francis Xavier is a unique, unique pharmacy in Belarus. It is located in the building of the oldest pharmacy in the country, built by the Jesuits in 1709 in the complex Grodno collegium - a monument of history and culture of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

An ancient pharmacy has been working since its inception until the middle of the twentieth century. In 1953, its premises housed a medical warehouse, later - a salon of furniture. The pharmacy revived only in 1996 after a part of the first floor of its historic building was leased and restored by the Grodno pharmaceutical company Biotest. Since then, a pharmacy and a museum operate together in the old halls.

The oldest pharmacy at all times was an exemplary institution. It is still one of the best in the city. Employees of the pharmacy museum, continuing the traditions of their predecessors, try to satisfy the most demanding requirements of customers. At the same time, each visitor can not only appreciate the variety of medicines offered, but also spend time with interest and benefit, getting acquainted with the history of pharmacy business in the original atmosphere of the museum hall.

Belarus. Республика Беларусь

The republic of Belarus is situated in the center of Europe on the watershed of the Baltic and Black Seas. The capital is Minsk. Belarus borders on Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine. The total length of the state border makes up 2,969 km. Geographic and climatic conditions favor the development of transport and economic relations. The shortest ways from Russia to Western Europe and from the Baltic Sea to the Black sea run through Belarus.

The territory of Belarus is 207.6 thousand sq km. It stretches from west to east for 650 km and from north to south for 560 km.

The country’s relief is flat with hills. The climate of Belarus is moderate continental with mild and humid winters, warm summers and damp autumns.

Forests constitute 33 % of the country’s area. In Belarus there are over 20 thousand rivers and lakes. The largest lake is Naroch. The navigation is carried out on the rivers Pripiats, Dnieper, Neman, Berezina and Western Dvina.

Belarus consists of 6 regions: the Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk and Mogiliov regions. Minsk, the capital, is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

The industrial potential of Belarus includes 20 thermoelectric power stations, 17 metallurgical works, 70 petrochemical plants (the concern “Belneftekhim”), 29 machine-tool construction enterprises, 36 automakers and so on. According to recent researches the number of small enterprises has exceeded 30 thousand. 6 economic zones are established. Foreign enterprises are created with participation of 80 countries.

The financial market is represented by the National bank of Belarus, 29 commercial banks and 10 foreign ones.

There are 27 state theaters, including opera and ballet theater, a musical comedy theater, etc. The Ministry of culture has 128 state museums. The sports facilities include almost 500 stadiums and swimming pools, more than 5000 outdoor sports grounds. In 2000 all regional centers had Ice palaces and skating rinks.

Minsk citizens and all inhabitants of Byelorussia are especially proud of the new National Library being unique as in Europe, and all over the world.


Республика Беларусь расположена в центре Европы на водоразделе Балтийского и Черного Морей. Столица - город Минск. Белоруссия граничит c Польшей, Литвой, Латвией, Россией и Украиной. Общая протяженность государственной границы составляет 2,969 км. Географические и климатические условия способствуют развитию транспортных и экономических отношений. Кратчайшие пути из России до Западной Европы и от Балтийского моря до Черного моря проходят через Белоруссию.

Общая территория Беларуси - 207.6 тысяч кв. км. Она простирается с запада на восток на 650 км и с севера на юг на 560 км.

Рельеф страны плоский с холмами. Климат - умеренно-континентальный, зимы мягкие и влажные, летом тепло, а осенью сыро.

Леса составляют 33 % области страны. В Белоруссии более 20 тысяч рек и озер. Самое большое озеро - Нарочь. Судоходны реки Припять, Днепр, Неман, Березина и Западная Двина.

Белоруссия состоит из 6 областей: Брестской, Витебской, Гомельской, Гродненской, Минской и Могилевской. Минск, столица, является одним из наиболее красивых городов в Европе.

Индустриальный потенциал Белоруссии включает 20 термоэлектрических станций, 17 металлургических заводов, 70 нефтехимических заводов (предприятие "Белнефтехим"), 29 машиностроительных предприятий, 36 автомобилестроительных и так далее. Согласно недавним исследованиям число малых предприятий превысило 30 тысяч. Установлено 6 экономических зон, иностранные предприятия созданы с участием 80 стран.

Финансовый рынок представлен Национальным банком Белоруссии, 29 коммерческими банками и 10 иностранными.

Есть 27 государственных театров, включая Театр Оперы и Балета, музыкальный комедии и др. Министерство культуры имеет 128 государственных музеев. Спортивные сооружения включают около 500 стадионов и бассейнов, почти 5000 наружных спортплощадок. В 2000 все региональные центры имели Ледяные дворцы и катки.

Особой гордостью минчан и всех жителей Беларуси является новая Национальная Библиотека, являющаяся уникальной как в Европе, так и во всем мире .

Bělorusko - Belarus - Беларусь - Minsk - Минск 2011

A country that only recently opened its borders to tourists already became a popular travel destination.

Belarus is a country of undiscovered sights that attract more and more international travelers.

To help you choose out of the wide variety of tourist attractions in Belarus, we chose our top 5 of diverse places after visiting which you can already feel that you took a dip into our country and its culture.

Learn more about Belarus main attractions and plan your perfect trip using !

Tourist Attraction 1. Chalk Pits

We will start with such a great landmark as chalk quarries, or as they are often called " " . After seeing this place, you"ll want to stay here forever!

The azure water, beautiful landscapes and a very special atmosphere that will not leave you indifferent.

Interesting fact: nobody knows exactly, what is the depth of chalk quarries. So, there is a legend about a drowned crane that can be seen at the bottom of one of the quarries in sunny, calm weather.

This greatest Belarus tourist attraction is situated close to Volkovysk, near the town of Krasnoselsky. The quarries gained its feature, as you might have guessed, from the soil.

Namely, from chalk, which gives the water such an unusual color (from azure-turquoise - to emerald green). The edges are framed by high slopes of white color, as well as wild vegetation that descends directly into the water.

However, it should be noted that at the moment the chalk quarries are closed for visiting. We hope that in the future this unusual object will be available for recreation.

How to get there?

The best way to get to the chalk pits near Volkovysk is . You can also get to Volkovysk by train or bus, and then by bus to the Krasnoselsky village.

At the end of the article, you can find a map with Volkovysk chalk pits and other Belarus tourist attractions mentioned in this article.

Tourist Attraction 2. Nesvizh and Nesvizh Castle

Nesvizh Castle is one of the most popular Belarus tourist attractions and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The majestic and diverse architecture of the palace, magnificent landscape parks, ponds, the river - all this makes the Nesvizh ensemble a unique place of pilgrimage for the majority of tourists coming to our country.

Book the best tour in Belarus here:

In the architecture of the palace and its interior decoration, you will find such styles of architecture as Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Classicism, Neo-Gothic, Modernism. You can find out more about palaces and in the corresponding article.

Interesting fact : there is an unusual legend about the Black Lady of Nesvizh, who has been living in the castle for more than 400 years. She always appears in a black dress as a sign of mourning for her ruined love.

For those, who like not only watching but also participating, there are various options and activities that will help you to plunge into the atmosphere of the Middle Ages !

Apart from the castle itself, we recommend you to walk along the streets of Nesvizh, here are some interesting sights that you can find here:

  1. The market square with the town hall - the oldest one preserved in Belarus. You can climb it and view the city from the height.
  2. Nesvizh Benedictine monastery, founded in the 16th century.
  3. Nesvizh church of the Jesuits (Farny Church) is the family burial vault of the Radziwill princes.
  4. Slutskaya Brama is the gate that greets visitors entering the city.

How to get there?

From Minsk to Nesvizh you can get by bus, but the fastest way . The journey takes about 2-3 hours. For those who want to stay in the city longer, walk leisurely along its streets, enjoy parks of the palace and park complex, there is a hotel in the center of Nesvizh.

At the end of the article, you can see the location of the Nesvizh castle and other Belarus tourist attractions.

Tourist Attraction 3. Naroch National Park

Naroch National Park is the youngest national park in Belarus, and Naroch is the largest lake in the country . Numerous recreation centers, hotels, and sanatoriums were opened for tourists on the shores of the lake. This is a golden place for connoisseurs of nature and solitude. It also brings lots of tourists visiting Belarus.

Naroch National Park is the most important health resort in the country and one of the main Belarus tourist attractions. Thanks to the richness of flora and fauna, as well as crystal clear water, and natural sources, this place constantly attracts a large number of tourists. But thanks to the vast territory, you absolutely don"t notice that.

But, do not forget that Naroch, first of all, is a reserve, and there are limitations, neglecting of which can lead to punishment. So, fishing lovers should buy a ticket for fishing or camping in the office of the forestry.

Prices are quite low, affordable for any tourist , and you can safely enjoy fishing. It is not recommended to swim in the wild places of the park, on unequipped beaches - it can be dangerous!

Interesting fact: there are thirty-six natural landmarks of national and local significance in the Naroch National Park.

For antiquity lovers, it is worth to visit the only building on the territory of Belarus of the period of Ancient Rus, the Kolozhskaya church. It is located in Grodno, on the picturesque high bank of the Neman River .

Together with the complex of monuments of the Castle Hill, it is declared as a historical and architectural reserve of . In itself, this attraction is unique and you understand it only by getting here. After all, the preserved building is almost 10 centuries old!

Borisoglebsk church is a unique example of ancient stone architecture. Its walls and facades are decorated with insets of large polished stones and multi-colored tiles, which form crosses.

Borisoglebskaya church will also be interesting for pilgrims: regular services are held here and church ordinances are performed. The temple is very popular with locals and visitors. A unique feature of the Kolozhskaya church is a multitude of ceramic vessels-resonators that are built into the vaults of the walls and come out with their necks outwards. Thanks to this, for many centuries the room retains excellent acoustics and church choir sounds really well .

Interesting fact: there is a legend that a well-known commander David from Grodno is buried near the walls of the Boris and Gleb church. At the moment, this fact is not confirmed, but not disproved.

How to get there?

It is very easy to get to the Kolozhskaya church, it is located in the central part of the city of Grodno (any public transport from the main station). This is a Belarus tourist attraction definitely worth visiting. Come here to feel the unique energy that comes from these strange, but powerful walls!

Tourist Attraction 5. Brest Fortress

Probably every inhabitant and many guests of the country are familiar with this landmark of Belarus located in the city of Brest, in the southwest of the country. But if suddenly you have not been to this place, then it"s worth to visit it! The fortress is the most popular and Belarus tourist attraction , a symbol of Soviet resistance during the Second World War.

Interesting fact: for a long time there was a prison for political prisoners and nationalists in the fortress.

Today, on the territory of the fortress there is a memorial complex "Heroic Brest Fortress", which includes the "Courage" monument, obelisk-bayonet, Ceremony Square, "Thirst" sculpture, burial of the deceased, ruins, left parts of the fortress and a museum.

The memorial complex itself begins with the main entrance in the form of a huge five-pointed star cut in concrete. Here constantly sounds the "Sacred War" song of Alexander Alexandrov, and the message about the attack of German troops on the Soviet Union .

Interesting fact: a red stone from the ruins of the Brest Fortress was discovered in the office of Hitler after his death. He took it after conquering the Fortress in August 1941.

Also, on the territory of the memorial complex, there is another unique object, the archeological museum "Berestie". As a result of the excavations, a village of the XI-XIII century was discovered, which later became a museum. Under the ground were found: wooden houses, pavements, sheds, palings, as well as a large number of household items.

How to get there?

The Brest Fortress can be reached on foot from the city center in half an hour, or by public transport going to the Museum of Railway Engineering. Be sure to visit the Heroic Fortress!

This was our list of the Top 5 Belarus tourist attractions. Belarus has much more great places to visit, but if you have very limited time, we recommend you to visit them. You can also read more about and on our website.
